Our Mission

Welcome to the GoodTheology project: a digital ministry to grow God’s kingdom of Faith, Hope & Love here on Earth. We believe that Christians have a faithful obligation to carry forward the words we profess in the Lord’s Prayer—that we cannot wait for someone else to do later what God has already called us to do here and now—usher in the Kingdom of Heaven, here on Earth.

The GoodTheology project believes this is carried out by the application and repetition of not only large acts, but more importantly, through small acts. Our sustained and conscious implementation of small acts become habitual behaviors that grow to be central parts of the lives we lead. In turn, the lives we lead become expansions of God’s kingdom here on Earth.

Discipleship is not told, it is practiced. And the path to a truly better world—to God’s Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth—cannot be achieved through words alone. It takes habitual enactment and continued pursuit of seeking, sowing, and spreading small acts of faith. One splash of water on a rock may seem trivial to some, but the world’s landscapes have forever been and will continue to be changed by thousands upon thousands of splashes, each wearing down even the most hardened materials over hundreds of years.

The GoodTheology project does not believe in the necessity of singular small acts. We believe in the power and importance of habitual ones over time. The repeated small acts that become an integral part of our lives directly impact the condition of everyone we meet.

We volunteer to walk with you on that journey of seeking, sowing, and spreading those small acts, starting here and now.

The GoodTheology project welcomes all people to embark on this venture. Whether you are firmly planted in your faith, spiritually hungry, or wary of the Church, our digital parish is a safe space.


The GoodTheology Project is a digital retreat center aimed at providing our online parish a hub for spiritual development and formation. It is an ongoing endeavor that is expanding as our capacity and funding continue to grow. We welcome volunteers to the cause of forming disciples of love for Christ and the His world.

Staff and Volunteers

GoodTheology is shepherded by The Reverend Jeremy Means-Koss, who serves as its Senior Pastor and Principal Theologian. Father Jeremy is an Anglican sacramental theologian and priest of the Episcopal Church. He holds degrees from Virginia Theological Seminary, Wesley Theological Seminary, King’s College, London, and American University.

Minister Issata Oluwadare serves as GoodTheology’s operations advisor. Minister Oluwadare is an expert in the fields of leadership development, women’s empowerment, and higher education. She is also Founder & Content Creator of The EZ Breezy Life. https://www.ezbreezy.life

Pastor Sam Mitchell serves as an advisor and discipleship leader for GoodTheology. Pastor Sam currently serves as the lead pastor of Chesapeake City UMC, in Chesapeake City, MD. He is currently working through the UMC ordination process, as he pursues a call to help individuals grow in faith by building up the community of Christ. https://chesapeakecityumc.com

The Reverend Rachel Harber serves as GoodTheology’s Pastor for Holistic Spirituality. With over a decade of experience in the world of yoga and mediation, Mother Rachel is called to help others deepen their awareness of the Divine Presence of God in the world around them. Mother Rachel currently serves at St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church in Salado, Texas.

Maeve Korengold serves as a youth volunteer and activist for the GoodTheology project. She is a freelance journalist for various news sources such as Project You, the Washington Blade, Doorstep News, and Factivists.
