Beginning the Day

As we venture into the day we are always pressed with the push and pull of the outside world. Emails, to-do lists, family members, traffic, and a whole host of other things contribute to how we act and react during the day. But how we begin the day, how we choose to set our sights on God and the divine before all of those pushes and pulls affect us give us powerful support to carry the day.

Many forms of Morning Prayer exist as a resource. One can choose options from the Book of Common Prayer, the Catholic Bishops Website, YouVersion Bible app, and many other options—including writing your own. All have their merits.

Whatever you choose, make sure four components are always present: 1) Scripture, 2) the Lord’s Prayer, 3) Gratitude for the many ways that God acts in your life and the lives of those around you, and 4) Resolution—declaration on how you will carry God’s love through the day to everyone you meet and every place you go.